[융합과학부]Virus: The Next Generation Materials

행정실 2018-05-14 9

Speaker: 오진우 부교수, 부산대학교

Date & Time: 2018년 5월 16일 (수) 17:00

Where: 융대원 D-122호


Evolution by natural selection from the ancient past creates numerous nanomaterials, of which only the best is selected and propagated in generations of proteins and genes. Proteins and genes coordinate the spatial and temporal control of the synthesis of organic and inorganic nanomaterials, and generally form a hierarchical structure with specific functions. Moreover, further modification of the structure to manipulation capability was a key component of evolutionary pressure by natural selection. However, most of the nanostructures in nature are stereostructured and poorly formed, sometimes arranged at low levels, making it difficult to imitate very accurately. Our M13 bacteriophage-based self-assembly approach can be good candidate to overcome those obstacles. M13 bacteriophages are very beneficial for self-assembly. M13 bacteriophage can be mass-replicated with a specific E. coli as a host, so that an almost perfectly uniform monomer can be mass-produced easily and inexpensively. In addition, it is possible to express various chemical functional groups on the surface protein of M13 bacteriophage through genetic engineering technology. Due to above-mentioned advantages of the M13 bacteriophage, we are conducting research on application to various sensors, full color pixels and piezoelectric nanogenerators.



Ph.D Chemistry, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea <2009>

M.S. Chemistry, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea <2005>

B.S. Chemistry, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea <2003>


Director, Center for Phage-Meta Material, Future Materials Discovery Business <2017. 9 – present>

Associate Professor, Dept. of Nanoenergy Engineering, Pusan National University, Seoul, Korea <2012. 9 – present>

Post-doctoral fellow, Dept. Of Bioengineering, UC Berkeley, USA <2010. 9 – 2012. 8>


초청자 : 융합과학부 나노융합전공 이강원 교수 (연락처 : 031-888-9145, kangwonlee@snu.ac.kr)

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