1991. 3 – 1995. 2
B.Sc., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
(Major: Chemical Engineering)
1995. 3 – 1997. 2
M.Sc., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
(Major: Chemical Engineering; Minors: Polymer Chemistry & Nanotechnology)
1997. 3 – 2002. 2
Ph.D., Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
(Major: Chemical Engineering; Minors: Polymer Chemistry & Nanotechnology)
주요 경력
2002. 9 – 2004. 7
Postdoctoral Associate at Department of Chemical Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
2004. 7 – 2009. 2
Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry & Nano Science,
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea