행정실 2019-05-02 12
Speaker: 권오석 교수(KRIBB)
Date & Time: 2019년 5월 8일(수), 17:00
Where: 융합대학원 D-122호
One of the recently emerging topics in biotechnology is natural receptors including G protein-coupled receptors, ligand-gated ion channels, enzyme-linked receptors, and intracellular receptors, owing to their molecular specificity. These receptors, other than intracellular receptors, which are membrane proteins expressed on the cell membrane, can detect extracellular stimuli. In addition, integration of conducting nanomaterials and natural receptors allows highly sensitive and selective responses toward target molecules, enabling, for example, nanobioelectronic noses for odorants, nanobioelectronic tongues for tastants and G-protein-coupled receptor sensors for hormones, dopamine, cadaverine, geosmin, trimethylamine, etc. Moreover, as a part of nanobioelectronic sensors, natural receptors can be produced in various forms, such as peptides, proteins, nanovesicles and nanodiscs, and each sensor can provide an ultralow limit of detection. In this presentation, we introduce various nanobiosensors with natural receptors for artificial human senses and their industrial applications such as food, cosmetics, and healthcare.
∙ May. 2010 ~ Feb. 2013. Doctor of Philosophy, Seoul National University
∙ Mar. 2008 ~ Feb. 2010. Master of Science, Seoul National University
∙ May. 2015 ~ Current: KRIBB
∙ Sep. 2013 ~ May. 2015: Post.doc, Yale University May
∙ 2013 ~ Aug. 2013: Post.doc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology(M.I.T.)
초청자: 융합과학부 나노융합전공 송윤규 교수(연락처 : 031-888-9133, songyk@snu.ac.kr)
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