[나융] Conversion-based anode application of carbon nanocomposites with …

행정실 2018-03-20 10

Speaker: Associate Professor, Songhun Yoon (School of Integrative Engineering, Chung-Ang University)

Date & Time: 2018년 3월 21일 (수) 17:00

Where: 융대원 D-122호


Carbon nanocomposite with cobalt vanadium oxide and vanadium fluoride nanocrystals were prepared using various preparation methods. First, hydrothermal synthesis of cobalt vanadium oxide nanorods was conducted between graphene layers, which was directly prepared from graphite using anionic surfactant. As second preparation, vanadium fluoride nanocrystals were prepared from conventional colloidal phase synthesis and following ligand stripping method. As-prepared vanadium fluoride nanocrystals were dispersed within carbon black in order to prepare nanocomposite between them. The prepared nanocomposites exhibited well-developed nanocrystal structure which was homogeneously distributed within carbon phase. After applied into anode materials in lithium ion batteries, highly improved capacity and rate capability were observed for both materials. From various electrochemical transient methods such as galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), furthermore, Li+ charge-discharge mechanism was clarified, which was elucidated by selective separation between insertion and conversion reaction of Li+ within highly distributed nanocrystals..



Ph.D Department of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea <2005>

M. S. Department of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea <1999>

B.S. Department of Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Seoul, Korea <1997>


Associate Professor, School of Integrative Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea <2013. 3 – present>

Principal Researcher, KRICT, Daejeon Korea <2007. 3 – 2013. 2>

Principal Researcher, LG Chem. Battery RnD, Daejeon Korea <2005. 3 – 2007. 2>


초청자 : 융합과학부 나노융합전공 박원철 교수 (연락처 : 031-888-9141, parkat9@snu.ac.kr)

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