[나융]Ultracapacitive Energy Storage Using Graphene and 2D Nanomaterials…

행정실 2017-10-17 9

Speaker: 부교수, 박호석(성균관대학교)

Date & Time: 2017. 10. 18. 수요일 17:00

Where: 융대원 D-122호

With increasing demand for high performance energy storage devices, the feasibility of reliable and functional energy storage devices that well operates under extreme conditions is of prime importance for expanding applicative fields as well as for understanding materials’ intrinsic and extrinsic properties and device physics. In this talk, I will introduce the control in the physical structure and chemical composition of 2D nanomaterials for ultracapacitive energy storage devices under limited circumstances, where conditions are classified into thermodynamic (e.g. pressure, volume and temperature) and kinetic (e.g. high rate and frequency) variables.1-10 In addition, a fundamental foundation via in-situ spectroscopic techniques will be presented to understand charge storage phenomenon of new materials and devices occurring on a nanoscale under various circumstances.


Ph.D Chemical Engineering, KAIST, Korea <2008>
M.S. Chemical Engineering, KAIST, Korea <2005>
B.S. Polymer Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Seoul, Korea <2003>

Concurrent professor, SAIHST, SKKU <2015.09 – now>
Associate professor, School of Chemical Engineering, SKKU <2014.09 – now>
Assistant professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyung Hee University <2010.03 – 2014. 08>
Post-doctoral fellow, Department of Biological Engineering, MIT <2008.12 – 2010. 02>

초청자 : 융합과학부 나노융합전공 김연상 교수 (younskim@snu.ac.kr )

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