행정실 2018-10-30 12
Speaker: Prof. Jessie Sungyun Jeon (KAIST)
Date & Time: 2018년 10월 31일(수) 17:00
Where: 융대원 D-122호
As cancer metastasis is responsible for 90% of human cancer death, it is important to investigate steps related to cancer metastasis. In vitro 3D microfluidic model is developed for investigating human breast cancer cell metastasis. The developed system enables recreation of different aspects of cancer metastasis microenvironment such as epithelial growth factor (EGF) rich, hypoxic, or organ-specific conditions. One of the systems focuses on mimicking human cancer cell extravasation into bone- and muscle-mimicking microenvironments. The model employs vasculogenesis driven microvascular network and either osteo-differentiated or myoblast cells, in addition to human umbilical endothelial cells to mimic the organ-specific microenvironments. The developed microvasculature is thus used to model organ-specific cancer cell extravasation into bone- and muscle-mimicking conditions. Furthermore, we have investigated cancer cell migration in chemotactic microenvironment. Chemotaxis model is developed and the results are confirmed by experiments in microfluidic system in which linear chemotatic gradient is formed. The microfluidic model developed reproduces the pro- and anti-metastatic properties of the microenvironments, and can give the insights on the different properties of organotypic microenvironments.
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Feb. 2014(MIT)
S.M. in Mechanical Engineering, June 2010(MIT)
S.B. in Mechanical Engineering, Minor in Economics, June 2008(MIT)
초청자 : 융합과학부 나노융합전공 이강원 교수 (연락처 : 031-888-9145)
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