1998 – 2003
B.S. Biotechnology at Department of Engineering, Sejong Univ., Seoul, Korea
2003 – 2009
Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Program in Brain Science (Neuropharmacology) at Department of Pharmacology, Seoul Natl. Univ., Seoul, Korea
2009. 3 – 2010. 7
Dept. of Pharmacology, Seoul Natl. Univ. Postdoc.
2010. 8 – 2012. 3
ProCell Therapeutics, Inc. Senior Researcher
2012. 7 – 2016. 2
- Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul Natl. Univ. Postdoc.
2016. 3 – 현재
- Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul Natl. Univ. Research Professor