Organic Electronics and Nanophotonics
Prof. Changsoon Kim
Nanomaterial Engineering and Environmental Electrochemistry
Prof. Yuanzhe Piao
Prof. Yoon-Kyu Song
Advanced Functional Biomaterials
Prof. Kangwon Lee
Cognitive Computing
Prof. Gahgene Gweon
Human Centered Computing
Prof. Bongwon Suh
Music & Audio Research Group
Prof. Kyogu Lee
Deep Representation Learning
Prof. Wonjong Rhee
User Experience
Prof. Joongseek Lee
Machine Intelligence and Pattern Analysis
Prof. Nojun Kwak
Dynamic Robotic Systems
Prof. Jaeheung Park
Scalable Computer Architecture
Prof. Jung Ho Ahn
Mobile Multimedia Systems
Prof. Dongsuk Jeon
Biomedical Imaging Computing
Prof. Jong Hyo Kim
Radiological Physics
Prof. Jung-Joon Ye
Translational Molecular Imaging and Theranostics
Prof. Im, Hyung-Jun
Bioimaging and Biophotonics Lab
Prof. Jeongmin Kim
Applied Biophysics and Chemistry Lab
Prof. Jae Kyoo Lee